Search results: Diego Amador

[ 3 items ]
  • Rio de Canasteros - Diego Amador 18.51€ #50509NM573 Ref.: 50509NM573

    Rio de Canasteros - Diego Amador

    In his third record with the title “Río de los Canasteros”, Diego Amador has done his most creative work. He counted on the wonderful collaborators as Tomatito, Raimundo Amador, Tino Di, Geraldo, Carles Benavent. The different kinds of music he plays in this record are Tangos, Bulerías, Fandangos, Tientos and Rumbas. His interest in music turned him into a several instruments player ,...

    Price: 18.51 € (20.11 USD)
  • El Aire de lo Puro. Diego Amador. CD 17.65€ #50509NM452 Ref.: 50509NM452

    El Aire de lo Puro. Diego Amador. CD

    Diego Amador from Sevilla is the future of flamenco. An exceptional musician who plays almost everything in this record and gives meaning to what is know as the New Flamenco with his intensity, honesty and class.A cocktail with a marked flamenco character, and the participation of great Latin jazzmen such as Jerry González and Jorge Pardo alongside Dieguito El Cigala, a cantaor who is currently...

    Price: 17.65 € (19.17 USD)
  • Diego Amador Piano Jondo 19.99€ #50509NM425 Ref.: 50509NM425

    Diego Amador Piano Jondo

    There is a new generation of flamenco musicians capable of resolving gracefully the dilemma between tradition and innovation. Diego Amador (Seville,1973) is probably the most brilliant of all of them, a totally self-taught pianist who is bewitching with his inventions.

    Price: 19.99 € (21.71 USD)
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